Besonders frustierent finde ich schon lange das fast in jedem Booklet der Film von Melvin van Peebles Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song (Sweet Sweetbacks Lied) als Wegweisendes Werk gepriesen wird. Den hätte ich also schon in der 1. Box erwartet, das er nun endlich in der 3. Box kommt glaubt nur der Weihnachtsmann.
wird nicht kommen, der grund wurde hier im forum schon mehrfach ausführlich behandelt ...
Habe ich leider nicht mitbekommen, bin noch nicht so lange hier. Ist das wieder ein WARNER Problem oder ist die van Peebles Familie unwillig?
nein, hat mit der problematischen darstellung minderjähriger zu tun ... geht hierum:
Mario Van Peebles , 13-years old at the time of the film's shooting, makes his screen debut in Sweetback as the younger iteration of the titular character. In the "shocking" opening of the film, young Sweetback loses his virginity to a prostitute, which transforms him into the older, Melvin Van Peebles version of Sweetback. This scene was censored on British editions of the DVD because it "breaches the Child Protection Act", but unlike his father's sex scenes in the film, Mario's was clearly simulated.
Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song (1971) - Trivia on IMDb: Cameos, Mistakes, Spoilers and more...
Oh mein Gott. Das Liebe ich so an der Lebenseinstellung der 70er Jahren, die waren nicht so verklemmt, aggresiv und überempfindlich wie die Leute heute. Gut das ich schon 58 bin und hoffentlich bald hinter mir habe. Herzlichen Dank für die Info.
Blöd nur, dass die Lebenseinstellung in den 70ern wohl doch auch 'verklemmt' gewesen sein muss, denn am 1. Januar 1979 trat in Großbritannien der 'Protection of Child Act 1978' in Kraft. Eigentlich hätte der Film bereits 1996 nach seiner ersten Vorlage bei der
BBFC nicht ungeschnitten veröffentlicht werden dürfen, durch falsche Informationen seitens der Produktionsfirma bezüglich des Darstellers in der entsprechenden Sequenz kam es jedoch dazu. 2005 wurde der Film der
BBFC erneut vorgelegt, nachdem Mario Van Peebles in einer Doku erzählte, dass er selber in der Sequenz zu sehen war.
Nachzulesen auf der der Seite der
Passed uncut in 1996, a resubmission in 2005 had cuts made to the opening sequence where young Sweetback, aged 12 or 13, is sexually initiated and named Sweetback by a much older female prostitute.
The viewer could until 2007 see what appears to be a young teen, well under the age of consent, lying on top of an adult actress, with both miming sex. The younger man ‘s buttocks back and chest are shown along with his face. Concerns were obviously raised in 1996 along with the possibility of cuts under The Protection of Children Act 1978.
At that time, the BBFC suggested to Melvin Van Peebles that he should consider re-editing the opening sequence to remove the footage of the boy miming sex. The BBFC then received a letter from the production company and two sets of signed consent and contract information from someone claiming to have been playing the part of young Sweetback and one other part and confirming he was over the legal age to participate (18 years old). These assurances were accepted and the video released uncut.
However, the Van Peebles dynasty were continuing to explore Blaxploitation as a theme and Mario Van Peebles’ documentary Baadasssss! How to Get the Man's Foot Outta Your Ass was released in 2004 (2003 in the US). In it, Mario tells the audience that the actor playing young Sweetback is in fact himself aged 13. Advice taken from senior legal experts when Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasssss Song was resubmitted to the BBFC in 2005 was in no doubt that the opening scene of mimed missionary sex between two naked people, one of whom is known to be a minor (under 18), would be considered indecent and lewd by a UK jury. So The Protection of Children Act 1978 applied and cuts or other means of obscuring the image were required.