TalkDer Rock- und Metal-Laberthread (für Vollhonls & DUMMlallfreundlich!)

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So. Jetzt gibts was auf m0wl. Und wehe, auch nur einer kommt mir hier mit verschwurbelten Unterstellung! Besten Jungs (und Mädel), die Kanada hervorgebracht hat.

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So. Das sind die Lyrics. Und da hab selbst ich mit meinem gefühlt 15 Punkte Englisch Schwierigkeiten mitzukommen....

Das liest sich wie nen Zeitungsbericht. Kein Refrain, keine Bridge, kein Chorus. Hut ab.

"Welcome to the offices of Economic and Manpower Analyses here at our historic and sprawling West Point Academy campus!
My name is Mindy! And it's my distinct pleasure to introduce you to a father, a loving father of three
(and a champion of the sanctioned use of armed force in pursuit of policy objectives)
Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for the project director of our newest recruitment strategy;
To staff future combat systems through current technologies
Without any further ado, I give to you (Colonel Casey Wardynski!)"

"Thank you! Let me begin with some sentimental appeals to our national myths;
Assorted clichés coined by the state;
The ideological shorthand meant to sweep your private doubts away of this virtual training course
This portal; this Trojan Horse you living idiots paid for and you actually rolled into your own kids' rooms."

"Did I just say that out loud? Well, it's not like it's something new
It's just the logical extension of the decades of bilge water that you have let us pump into your homes
The pink noise that hums away in the background while you run the gauntlet we force on you everyday
The billowing candy floss that helps to soften the blows
Deep down you've always known your children already belong to us
So why don't you cut the outraged parent routine, shut your mouth and get back in your seat
Your children already belong to us. What are you? You will pass on
And they won't know a fucking thing but this 'community,' this real life Ender's Game
Forget what you think you know."
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Aber er hatte doch die Tage eine Gurke auf dem Tisch liegen. Da sind doch bestimmt nicht viele Kalorien drin.
Das ist Puderzucker.
So. Jetzt gibts was auf m0wl. Und wehe, auch nur einer kommt mir hier mit verschwurbelten Unterstellung! Besten Jungs (und Mädel), die Kanada hervorgebracht hat.

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So. Das sind die Lyrics. Und da hab selbst ich mit meinem gefühlt 15 Punkte Englisch Schwierigkeiten mitzukommen....

Das liest sich wie nen Zeitungsbericht. Kein Refrain, keine Bridge, kein Chorus. Hut ab.

"Welcome to the offices of Economic and Manpower Analyses here at our historic and sprawling West Point Academy campus!
My name is Mindy! And it's my distinct pleasure to introduce you to a father, a loving father of three
(and a champion of the sanctioned use of armed force in pursuit of policy objectives)
Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for the project director of our newest recruitment strategy;
To staff future combat systems through current technologies
Without any further ado, I give to you (Colonel Casey Wardynski!)"

"Thank you! Let me begin with some sentimental appeals to our national myths;
Assorted clichés coined by the state;
The ideological shorthand meant to sweep your private doubts away of this virtual training course
This portal; this Trojan Horse you living idiots paid for and you actually rolled into your own kids' rooms."

"Did I just say that out loud? Well, it's not like it's something new
It's just the logical extension of the decades of bilge water that you have let us pump into your homes
The pink noise that hums away in the background while you run the gauntlet we force on you everyday
The billowing candy floss that helps to soften the blows
Deep down you've always known your children already belong to us
So why don't you cut the outraged parent routine, shut your mouth and get back in your seat
Your children already belong to us. What are you? You will pass on
And they won't know a fucking thing but this 'community,' this real life Ender's Game
Forget what you think you know."

Unsere Unterstellungen sind stets fundiert :22:
Der geilste Song ever is eh der hier. Da habbich gedacht, da gehts um ne Mudder & ihren Sohn aber denkste. Schwein von der Schlachtbank erfolgreich abgehauen. Und ne Statue hat et auch noch gekriegt. Francis, the Pig-Son. Die haben Lyrics, da legste die Ohren an. Und musikalisch unbestreitbar allererste Kategorie.

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Ich pack mal das Cover hier rein. Da kann man schön die Finger bei der Arbeit sehen. :blind: Um mal ein wenig nostalgisch zu werden - hab ich immer auf im alten Killer Korsa nach Bochum zu meiner jetzt Frau gehört. Sommer. Fenster runter. RedBull Cola & ne BiFi. Die arme A42. :ghost:

Francis didn't give a fuck about the rollbacks, the overproduction, the reduced demand.
He never gave much thought to disputed contracts. In his short life he'd only ever known panic, fear, pain, darkness and pandemonium (in the hell that was his home). Fourth quarter earning expectations expedited his demise. The panic grew as the humans stalked among them. When the screaming began, Francis shut his eyes and felt the hand of inhumanity brush over him. But his would-be killer's back turned for a moment and a blinding ray of light spread across the floor.
In a crimson pool he saw his own reflection as he bolted for the door. Not just some fractured fairy-tale although I wish that were true. This is a fable far too real.
Yet we somehow still cling to the story lines that bridge the chasm between cognition and belief. Any old implausible denial that might offer some relief from the dissonance that Francis left screaming in his wake as deep into the heart of the city's park lands he made good his escape. And where for 5 months he ran free and replaced his only fond memory just a warm and distant dream of his mother's loving eyes upon him. Francis made it farther than she did a quarter mile just short of the city limits they finally captured him. There's a statue that the abattoir erected to remind us all of their contributions. To me it marks Potemkin City Limits, this Francis cast in bronze. Not just some fractured fairytale, although I wish that that were true. This is a fable far too real, yet we somehow still cling to
Der geilste Song ever is eh der hier. Da habbich gedacht, da gehts um ne Mudder & ihren Sohn aber denkste. Schwein von der Schlachtbank erfolgreich abgehauen. Und ne Statue hat et auch noch gekriegt. Francis, the Pig-Son. Die haben Lyrics, da legste die Ohren an. Und musikalisch unbestreitbar allererste Kategorie.

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Ich pack mal das Cover hier rein. Da kann man schön die Finger bei der Arbeit sehen. :blind: Um mal ein wenig nostalgisch zu werden - hab ich immer auf im alten Killer Korsa nach Bochum zu meiner jetzt Frau gehört. Sommer. Fenster runter. RedBull Cola & ne BiFi. Die arme A42. :ghost:

Francis didn't give a fuck about the rollbacks, the overproduction, the reduced demand.
He never gave much thought to disputed contracts. In his short life he'd only ever known panic, fear, pain, darkness and pandemonium (in the hell that was his home). Fourth quarter earning expectations expedited his demise. The panic grew as the humans stalked among them. When the screaming began, Francis shut his eyes and felt the hand of inhumanity brush over him. But his would-be killer's back turned for a moment and a blinding ray of light spread across the floor.
In a crimson pool he saw his own reflection as he bolted for the door. Not just some fractured fairy-tale although I wish that were true. This is a fable far too real.
Yet we somehow still cling to the story lines that bridge the chasm between cognition and belief. Any old implausible denial that might offer some relief from the dissonance that Francis left screaming in his wake as deep into the heart of the city's park lands he made good his escape. And where for 5 months he ran free and replaced his only fond memory just a warm and distant dream of his mother's loving eyes upon him. Francis made it farther than she did a quarter mile just short of the city limits they finally captured him. There's a statue that the abattoir erected to remind us all of their contributions. To me it marks Potemkin City Limits, this Francis cast in bronze. Not just some fractured fairytale, although I wish that that were true. This is a fable far too real, yet we somehow still cling to

Da haust aber ganz schön viel Text raus...

Wenn ich mal unseren @Skrotnisse zitieren darf?

Was ein Gesülze

Aber für ne Story mit der Jetzt-Frau gibt's nen Drücker 🤗

Was mit der Bifi war bleibt unter der Bifi und dir....bitte
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